Marriage ? just hear the sound “marriage”, my mind was imagine 1001 questions about it. So what the merriage is? Of course, there are thousand answers if you give the meaning of marriage word beside on your opinion. Someone tell different with others.

Just OK, May I call marriage with commitment? In my age, now 22 years old and become 23 in December, how about your opinion if i talk about marriage?

Before i talk about marriage further, first, how about age? is the 23 years old appropriate time to get merried for man? i thing, i more agree with how to prepare mental then how old you today. Of Course to prepare the mental have any factors. Once, someone have talk to me that i am too young to get merried, I must focus in my carrier. I think, the statement above is not 100 % true. Maturity is not only depend on someone age, although Usually more age, increase more Maturity too.


About Marriage

How far you prepare your mental to do commitment? Ask it to your self! Before married, you can shopping what do you want, now you must separate your salary with your family. Or if you a woman, before married you can hang out with your friend, whereeve, after married you get intervention from another person in your long avenue, do as house wife etc. Wow, it make you little wavered?

Another side is Financial Factor, of course this factor is very important. is it the mean that financial factor not ready, marriage is pending too? We should prepare financial, but it is not the reason to pend merriage.

Now, if you in good mental condition, and you have good salary to establish family, but, how about your sweetheart, is (he/she) ready too? Because commitment consist of two human, so need prepared from each other.

Ciput! I want to ask you? are you want to get married in your age now?
Thank for your question, i want to answer the question, and my answer is YEEESSSS, I WANNNNTTTT, its not about too fast or not, but its about right, duty and requirement, if now you can why do you pending it?

If you have good attention, i believe,god will help you. What do you waiting for?

I think it was long time ago from my last post, i am on hiatus. Ok, enough about Intermezzo. In this post, i want to talk about Self Esteem.

Self esteem, yes self esteem is about your point of view to appreciate your self in any situation. At the moment where you get big trouble, when your mind break spirit of your soul, when you fall in the track of your life and any bad situation.

when you get pressure from your job, you can take a break time (several minutes) to rest your mind, its one of several way to esteem your self.

You = what you think

In any situation you must esteem your self not in bad situation only. The shape of your self esteem can implemented on several ways. You can upgrade your skill. If you like music. You can sing in bath room. You don’t think that your sound like tin but sing from your heart. Or you can play guitar, Piano, or play football etc.

have you think that you born in this world you so perfect? You different from the other. You is You. You is not me, You is not them. You are so special. Now find the reason why your feel disappointed about your self! it just a fool for one’s pains.

Stand Up your body in front of the mirror,Now look at the body that stand front of you. You see a perfect person, yes? its you. Don’t ever justified brittle your self.

Now, i want to share my way to esteem my self. when i get pressure from my works, I play music on my laptop. Listen the music make me enjoy in this situation. Listen the music that inspire you to do more.

You can esteem your self with other way that you like. Never give UP! Because you very special!

Yesterday, thursday, october 29, 2009, Library building project of Universitas Indonesia by PT. Waskita Karya completed structure work. Usually, after structure work have finished, there is a ceremony that called Topping Off. Topping off intended to commemorate effort from worker. In another side, topping off is real barometer to measure, how far the proggress of the project done.

This moment will be present by head of university of Universitas Indonesia and Directur of PT. Waskita Karya, Mr. Cholik. From a little while ago, sub contractors sended flowers to give congratulation to result that we have get.

head of university of Universitas Indonesia

My friend said topping of is a ceremony held when the last beam is placed at the top of a building. The term my also refer to the overall completion of the building’s structure. I think this definition more right than my statement above.

Whatever about definition.

today, employees of PT. Waskita Karya in Universitas Indonesia Library Building Project , have lunch in mang engking on the Universitas Indonesia Area. This moment dedicated to Mr. Rudianto, the project manager of Universitas Indonesia Library building Project. Today is mr. rudi’s birthday.

Mr. Rudi’s Birthday

Enjoy Before Launch

After break time, at 12.00 PM. We together go to mang engking. The Food was ready when we come. All employees look happy. There are much food on the table. After birthday ceremony, not wait for long time, we eat food that present in front of our face.



shrimp in the prime menu in this launch. Shrimp with several flavor. According my opinion, too much shrimp is not good for healthy, but i thing, i don’t eat shrimp every day, so it does not the matters. Look at the picture below.

Smile after enjoy the foods

Mang Engking

Condition in mang engkin is very cool and beauty. You can see the fish in the pond. Several People enjoy it time here.

Hallo guys. In this post and the other post will come, i try post it in english. Because the author (that is me) have desire to learn english with this blog. So, you don’t wondered if you know that my posting contain a lot of bad sentence.

The work spirit influenced by atmosphere at the office. Good atmosphere will produce good spirit work too. It will increase the productivity. Now take a look at picture below. It is portrait of my office. I am an “adkon” staff. I work ing at “adkon” room. I am work on building project division of PT. Waskita Karya . Now , i am in Universitas Indonesia Depok, to establish the new tremendous library of Universitas Indonesia. I was posted it at here.


Insert my room

Working in happy condition, make some productivity increase then commonly. Now, what is the problem ? the problem is how to make the work happily! Actually, there are many way to make our working atmosphere confortable.


My Leppy in the corner

Indeed, we need more energy to get ideal condition to work. But little joke can make all smile. Smile is something inexpensive, but not all people want to smile. I was posted my post about how to make world smile to us. Give respect to other persons in your office is best way to make good relation. We must give respect to all of people around us. Don’t ever discriminate someone based on status, position,riches, and other. In truth, we are same, but only different in responsibility to do something. We can’t live alone.
Now I want back to “adkon” mean. Adkon have function to manage administration and contract. I have job to make contract and several jobs. In Project Universitas Indonesia Library, adkon consist 3 person, one the other is me.


contract documents

My office arrange simple, Enough of sun shine, not too much moist, although its very – very simple. There are tree tables in 3m x 3m room. Simple but i enjoy it.

Simple adalah kata yang sederhana. Terkadang berfikir sesuatu yang simple terhadap masalah yang sulit akan menemukan jalan keluar yang sederhana. Kalau pendapat saya secara pribadi, kata “sederhana” itu muncul setelah melalui proses rumit, banyak, bercabang, kemudian dipipihkan lagi dan dimampatkan lagi menjadi sebuah penyelesaian sederhana. Sehingga kata sederhana sendiri adalah sesuatu yang berasal dari proses yang panjang.

Simple dan Sederhana

Hidup Sederhana, kalau empunya blog boleh berkata, hidup sederhana disini adalah hidup yang penuh pemikiran, pertimbangan, melalui beberapa proses seleksi sehingga tercipta arah kehidupan yang optimal.

Mencintai dengan sederhana. Wah kalau sederhana disini pasti artinya lebih dalam lagi. Sederhana jika dikaitkan dengan cinta, sederhana disini berasal dari suatu proses yang sangat rumit, tak terlogikan, karena hubungannya adalah dengan cinta. Kerena cinta sendiri itu tak terderfiniskan. Siapa yang tahu arti definisi kata cinta? Kembali ke postingan yang lalu, banyak sobat blogger mendefiniskan arti cinta, dan kesemuanya berbeda :

Definisi [Kata Cinta?] :
Abu Aufa said…

C: cari tahu apa yang Ia mau
I: ihlas, ikuti apa-apa yang Ia mau
N: kangeN…untuk dapat memberi yang terbaik
T: tanpa ingin diberi balik tentunya
A: Allah-lah pengikatnya yang utama

Salam kenal
#Abu Aufa
September 17, 2008 3:31 AM

Novee said…

cinta itu.. apa yaaa.. hihii
yg jelas kl mencintai harus yg ikhlas, trus harus ada take n give, bukan cuma take/give melulu dan jgn melebihi cinta pada Allah & RasulNya..
September 17, 2008 5:55 AM

elys welt said…

cinta ? ….hmmm….. banyak artinya sih
September 17, 2008 6:12 AM

cantigi™ said…

cinta itu cuma sebuah rasa yg dimanipulir sekaligus terkontaminasi banyak imajinasi, itulah kenapa cinta cukup sulit terdefinisikan. tapi setidaknya cantigi punya rumus ini:

Love will comes,
to those who still have hope even they’ve been let down..
to those who still believe even they’ve been cheated..
to those who still want to love even they’ve been hurt before..
and to those who still have the courage and faith to rebuild their trust..

hopefully useful.. ^_^
September 17, 2008 10:15 AM

Eucalyptus said…

Cinta susah dijabarkan dengan kata2, tapi untuk pasangan yang menikah cinta adalah komitmen, tenggang rasa dan saling menghormati pasangan
September 17, 2008 12:18 PM

Fahmi FR said…

CINTA? seperti yg sedang aku rasakan. Rasa yang membuatku mampu BERGERAK.
September 17, 2008 4:16 PM

Hedi said…

saya nyaris ga pernah mencari tahu apa arti cinta, yg penting nikmati dan jalani aja 😀
September 18, 2008 12:15 AM

Endang said…

luas ah mas, artinya….

Yg pasti, cinta itu tidak harus buta krn dia tidak ingin menutup org utk berpikir dan merasa.
Cinta, membuat orang menjadi lebih peka ..
September 18, 2008 9:52 AM

Chic said…

cinta yang susah dijelaskan, hanya hati yang merasakan.. 😀

yang pasti.. tak bersyarat!
September 18, 2008 12:08 PM

pinky said…

Cinta ……
adalah kata yang penuh misteri, penuh arti dan bermakna ….
Dgn cinta kita bisa saling memberi dan menerima, dgn cinta kita bisa merasakan bahagia , dgn kita bisa saling berbagi , banyak yang bisa kita lakukan dgn cinta …
So nikmati saja …. ( tetapi kedua belah pasangan harus saling mencinta yach jgn dari satu pihak saja ) ..
Masciput masi ragu dgn cintanya ???
September 18, 2008 3:09 PM

Masciput said…

@pinky:”sudah tidak ragu lagi, karena cinta itu soal hati, klo menang sudah jodohnya ya nggak akan lari gunung dikerjar!”
September 19, 2008 12:45 AM

aRuL said…

cinta itu tergantung sama keadaan, jadi kalo kamu tanya cinta ke orang yang lagi kasmaran dan yang lagi sakit hati pasti jawabannya beda 😀 hehehe
September 19, 2008 1:02 AM

jalooe said…

kata patkay dalam film : cinta itu derita hidup tampa akhir..heuehueuehu

nice blog
September 19, 2008 4:58 AM

indo said…

Ga koment deh kalau masalah cinta….:D
September 19, 2008 6:13 AM

baca said…

cinta ???? ….>>>> keilahian
September 19, 2008 8:11 AM

sigid said…

cinta? soal kebiasaan ajah kok!
September 19, 2008 3:11 PM

afwan auliyar said…

cinta bagaikan sepotong roti…..

tawar rasanya ….

klo dia diksh gula, manis rasanya …

dikasih mrica pedes rasanya ….

just my feeling 😀
September 19, 2008 4:15 PM

fragaria said…

siapa tau definisinya?

bukan saya yang pasti
September 19, 2008 7:30 PM

Vina Revi said…

Cinta adalah seorang gadis cantik dan pinter yang susah ngomong Indonesia.
ou, dan juga dermawan! Soalnya 10% dari penghasilannya dipake untuk menggaji para guru di sekolah-sekolah yang dibangun dengan uang yayasan miliknya.

eh, itu Cinta Laura, deng.
maaf, nggak fokus.
September 19, 2008 10:33 PM

nita said…

cinta adalah ketika saya dan pasangan bisa menertawakan lelucon yg sama, menangisi tragedi yg sama meski partai politik kita berbeda:)
September 22, 2008 1:11 AM

Iwan Andriawan said…

cinta adalah …
berani berkorban
selalu memberi
selalu menjaga
selalu memperhatikan
selalu melindungi
selalu mengayomi
selalu membantu
selalu berempati
dan saling berbalas …
September 23, 2008 5:21 AM

kw said…

cinta itu ketika kita dengan senang hati melakukan apa yang IA inginkan. tanpa pamrih.
September 23, 2008 8:29 AM

Isnuyasha said…

PIGURAKU mengatakan “cinta memang gila”
masciput dapet PR neh dari PIGURAKU, silahkan di crosscek…
September 24, 2008 3:09 PM

khafi said…

C = Cuman
I = Ingin
N = Nikmatin
T = Tubuhmu
A = Aja….^^
September 24, 2008 11:00 PM

alhakim said…

Gak begitu paham dengan Cinta ??
September 25, 2008 8:23 AM

Ic said…

cinta hanya ungkapan manusia, namun definisi sangat sukar diungkapkan dengan kata2, yang selama ini di ungkapkan oleh orang lain hanyalah karakteristik dari cinta…
September 28, 2008 4:26 PM

neen4 said…

Cinta tu enak, lezat, gurih
soale ada yg bilang “Makan tu cinta!!..”
October 8, 2008 10:21 AM

liesfr said…

bagi saya cinta itu rasa hati nurani. orang menafsirkannya tergantung keadaan hatinya, tingkat usia dan pengalaman hidupnya. Ada pepatah “cintailah seperti cinta itu tidak pernah menyakiti”. Orang yang mencintai dg tulus dan tanpa pamrih lebih menentramkan dan lapang hati, seandainya cinta pada istri atau suami seperti itu akan terasa manis dan terpelihara tetapi untuk mencapai tarap itu sangatlah tidak mudah…
October 13, 2008 6:00 PM

Anonymous said…

cinta itu adalah anugrah terindah bagi orang-2 yang masih menghargai arti dari sebuah pengorbanan, dan mereka juga masih mencari dan terus mencari makna dari sebuah kehidupan yang sesungguhnya
November 6, 2008 6:07 PM

guntur45 said…

no comment.
November 22, 2008 10:04 AM

Jadi jika Mencintai dengan sederhana itu berarti cinta yang luar biasa.

Saya membuat blog ini dengan sederhana, dan tulisan yang sederhana pula.

Jadi empunya blog menyimpulkan bahwa sesuatu yang sederhana belum tentu merupakan berasal dari seuatu yang simpel. Sudah ah tulisan opini yang tidak jelas ini. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang kata simpel dan sederhana.