Wow tahun 2009 ini tahun yang luar biasa bagi saya. Hal – hal besar terjadi pada saya. Sungguh banyak hal – hal yang mengejutkan serta tak terduga pada tahun 2009 ini. Tentunya seiring dengan banyaknya kejadian yang saya alami, banyak juga pelajaran yang bisa saya petik dari semua yang telah terjadi di tahun 2009 yang sudah mau tutup buku ini.

Menyongsong tahun baru 2010 ini, tentu banyak harapan dan cita – cita dari kita semua. Nah apa resolusi teman – teman ditahun 2010 ini ? tentunya sudah terfikir di benak sobat pembaca semuanya. Tentunya pula kita berharap di tahun 2010 ini ada perkembangan karir, usaha, serta mendapatkan apa yang kita rencanakan dan harapkan.


Happy New Year

Tak terasa waktu setahun ini berlalu dengan sangat cepat, saya masih ingat kejadian tahun lalu saat saya mau diserempet mobil di perempatan Kertajaya saat mau mencari makan. Saat itu akhir bulan desember 2008. Dan memang waktu berjalan dan tidak terasa.

Di tahun 2009 ini pula empunya blog sudah mendapat gawe di sebuah Perusahaan kontraktor milik negara. Saya masih ingat saat testnya, mulai bekerja di pertengahan maret, dirotasi dipusat, kemudian di proyek Pembangunan Perpustakaan UI Depok, sebelum akhirnya di tempat saya sekarang ini, proyek di Kepulauan Tanjung Balai Karimun ini. Suatu hal yang patut saya syukuri dalam bidang karir ditahun 2009 lain.

Di segi kehidupan saya yang lain tidak semuanya bagus seperti yang saya harapkan, namun dibalik peristiwa yang terjadi pasti ada hikmah dan pembelajaran bagi kita semua.

Dan Resolusi saya ditahun ini ? melanjutkan resolusi tahun 2009 yang belum tercapai, dan ada dua misi besar di tahun 2010 ini. Semoga saja misi itu dapat terlaksana. Amin.

Marilah ditahun yang baru ini, kita berusaha dengan semangat yang baru untuk mencapai apa yang sudah rencanakan sebelumnya. mengucapkan selamat tahun baru 2010

Do you know, something that can’t be repeat? yes time. Time is money because it is very worthy. to Appreciate time that we have is not easy job. Need more attention. Sometimes we feel that used our time is “peace of cake” things. Times are hard when things that we got no meaning. How to use our time wisely?


The most significant change in a person’s life is a change of attitude. Right attitudes produces right actions. Change our self sincerely and use our time with produces things.

1001 Reason why always smile on contruction world.
You Should look at look up, if you walk under electric pole or you going to surprise from the sky. Look out.


Be carefull.

Sometimes, wash your clothes with butter, use your hat in the bathroom, are better than another stuppid activity.


Axial Load.

Sometimes we are sad, in another time we are happy, this is not about what your problem or the reason why do you feel it, but it is about how you to manage condition to make happy and fun condition

This is one of my favourite music playlist.

Writer(s) Duran Duran
Producer Duran Duran with John Jones

Came in from a rainy Thursday
On the avenue Thought I heard you talking softly

I turned on the lights, the TV
And the radio Still I can’t escape the ghost of you

What has happened to it all? Crazy, some are saying
Where is the life that I recognize? Gone away

But I won’t cry for yesterday
There’s an ordinary world Somehow I have to find
And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world I will learn to survive

Passion or coincidence Once prompted you to say
“Pride will tear us both apart” Well now pride’s gone out the window
Cross the rooftops Run away Left me in the vacuum of my heart

What is happening to me? Crazy, some’d say
Where is my friend when I need you most? Gone away

But I won’t cry for yesterday There’s an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world I will learn to survive

Papers in the roadside Tell of suffering and greed
Here today, forgot tomorrow Ooh, here besides the news
Of holy war and holy need Ours is just a little sorrowed talk

And I don’t cry for yesterday There’s an ordinary world
Somehow I have to find And as I try to make my way
To the ordinary world I will learn to survive

Every one Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one Is my world, I will learn to survive
Any one Is my world Every one Is my world

Yesterday, Friday 27, Nopember 2009, i went to Tulungagung with my brother dudik and my sister anisa.

This Is Anisa

My Little Brother Dudi’

I leave home after Sholat Jum’at. On the trip, we are break at several time, because rain down heavy at several time too. Finally we are arive at alun – alun Tulungagung at 3.30 PM. We are go to masjid Al Munawwar to Sholat Ashar. I think its long journey coz i bring my little brother and sister, two hours to finish it.

Anisa and Dudi’

Anisa and Dudi’ (again)

But long jouney was paid with good condition at Tulungagung. I see my brother and sister look happy at the moment. We eat pizza and fried chicken at there. We are take a photos there dan enjoy it before go home.

Me and Dudi’

We arrive to home at 8.00 PM. Its one of gift brought back from my vacation.