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Metode Membuat Lapisan Permukaan Lapangan

Membuat lapangan yang saya maksudkan disini adalah membuat lapisan atas lapangan. Untuk lapangan yang terbuat dari beton, baik lapangan volly, lapangan basket, lapangan tenis ataupun lapangan yang lainnya. Jika lapangan beton sudah jadi tentu saja tidak langsung dicat dan dipakai, tentunya kita tidak mau setiap main basket kita beli sepatu lagi karena “trepes” akibat dari permukaan lapangan yang masih kasar. Standartya harus ada lapisan diatasnya, biasanya lapisan yang sering digunakan adalah flintkote, material nya bisa berbeda-beda (ada casali, dan lain-lain).

Jadi pada lapisan beton lapangan yang sudah jadi, di marking terlebih dahulu untuk batas lapisan flintkote, setelah itu dilapisilah diatasnya dengan lapisan flinkote. Kalau saya menyebutnya Flintkote ultra mastic. Lapisan ini terdiri bebarapa layer. Layer yang pertama adalah primer flintkote, sepenglihatan saya warnanya hitam, karena murni flinkote doang tak ada campuran yang lain.

Lapisan primer tadi hanya flintkote saja. Barulah dikasih lapisan lagi, lapisan kedua. Materialnya sudah beda, yaitu percampuran antara flinkote, pasir dan semen. Perbandingannya Pasir : Flintkote : Semen adalah 4 : 2 : 1, kira-kira demikianlah. Ini adalah lapisan akhir sebelum dicat, sebelum dicat harus dipastikan bersih semua. Baru kemudian dicat sebagai finishingnya. Cat itu sedikit dicampur pasir. Ini gambar yang sudah jadi lapisan keduanya. Saya mengambil gambarnya saat saya jalan ke tempat orang yang sedang mengerjakan lapisan lapangan :
Kalau pembaca ingin tahu lebih detail lagi Mengenai metode pelaksaan pembuat lapisan lapangan, sampeyan bisa membaca method statement pembuatannya, namun masih ori dalam bahasa Inggris dan agak “njelimet” sedikit, langkah-langkahnya seperti berikut ini:

Method Statement [Membuat Lapisan lapangan] :
Sport Courts Floor Layering
A. Material
There are 2 main layer on this process, first for base and second for top coat playing surface. For base are used Flintkote ultra mastic system and for surface are used sports coat surface by casali.
1.Flintkote ultra mastic layer, Flintkote ultra mastic is composed of the following material :
a). Flintkote ultra used Shell Flintkote ultra, (see attachement)
b). Sand – normal construction sand that should be clean, dry, sharp, and free from flaky or weak particles.
c). Hardstone chipping – normal granite chippings graded from 3 mm to 6 mm.
d). Portland Composite Cement (PCC)

2.Top Coat Playing Surface, the material are :
a). Softbase W.S, synthetic resin – based binder for filling bituminous beds concentrated
b). Supersoft W.S, styrol-acrylic resin based binder for sports flooring on asphalt beds concentrated
c). Pitlinea, line marking pain for sport fields in acrylic resin.

B.Layering the base coat of playing surface
1.Prepare of base (concrete)
-Remove all dirt, dust and loose material, grease, oil and other foreign matter. Grease and oil should be removed with either detergents. The surface should be well washed with water.
-Primed concrete with flintkote ultra at coverage of about 0.30 ltr/m2 and allow to dry. This will act as a bond coat. The Flintkote Ultra Mastic should be laid while the bond coat is still tacky.

2.Laying of Flintkote Ultra Mastic
-Mix for Mastic layer, 1 volume Portland composite cement : 2 volume flintkote ultra : 4 volume sand.
-Tip the mix onto the prepared area then using either a wood float or a rake, spread the mix between the screed strips on to the still wet bond coat to a level slightly than the screed strips. Consolidate the mix by taping with a heavy board.
-Strike off to the correct thickness of +6 mm. This may be carried out by using a straight edge laid across the screed strips and then working it backward and forward is an saw like motion.
-Close and smooth the surface with a wooden float that is clean and wet. A finer finish may be obtained by steel trowel the surface after using the wooden float and use before the mastic achieves it’s initial set. Do not trowel excessively or too soon after laying. This would result in the fines being brought up the surface, accusing cracking of blistering.

-Curing of the Flintkote Ultra Mastic should be retarded if atmosphere is hot and dry. Lay sheets of polyethylene film over the Mastic after troweling. Allow the polyethylene to remain for at least 12 hours. The setting time of Flintkote Ultra is approximately 1 – 6 hours depending on prevailing condition. Curing of Flintkote Ultra Mastic is approximately 24 – 36 hours.

-The Flintkote Ultra should be rolled to assist consolidation. Rolling should be undertaken before Mastic is cured.

C. Layering the top coat of playing surface
-First coating
•Mixing SOFTBASE W.S. with clean water.
•Apply 1 layer of mixed product as a primer
-Next coating
•Mixing SUPERSOFT W.S. with quartz sand grade 0,1 – 0,3 mm and clean water.
The composition of the material (Quartz sand : SUPERSOFT W.S.) :
a. Second coating = 50 : 50
b. Third coating = 50 : 50
c. Fourth coating = 40 : 60
Apply mixed product with thickness is approximately 0,5 mm of each layer using rubber squeegee till level.

D. Sport Courts Floor Lining
Add line Floor Lining with Pitlinea
– Cleaning and tidy up surface from dirt and dust.
– Marking sport court lines on the court surface.
– Realization of the sport court lines with PITLINEA : a particularly resistant styrene-acrylic resin product with high hiding power pigmentation.
– Mixing paint material with water.
– Start painting on court surface using brush for first coat. Let it dry approximately on 1 hour.
– After dry continue painting next coat till finish. Interval between coating is approximately 3 hours.

0 thoughts on “Metode Membuat Lapisan Permukaan Lapangan

  1. mau tanya, sy ingin membuat lapangan basket kecil..mungkin cukup utk 1on1 dihalaman belakang rumah, mungkin hanya 5x5m saja.mohon saran bahan apa dan teknik apa yg sy bisa pakai utk pembuatan lapangan tsb, yg termurah tapi cukup tahan lama krn pemakaian juga tidak akan begitu sering. terima kasih atas saran n masukannya.

  2. @ ini masukan saya : 1. Bila hanya untuk sekedar bermain bisa digunakan beton finishnya floor hardener.
    2. Apabila ingin lebih baik lagi : digunakan lapisan tertentu seperti postingan diatas tersebut.

    Semoga bisa membantu.

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