Yesterday, Friday 27, Nopember 2009, i went to Tulungagung with my brother dudik and my sister anisa.

I leave home after Sholat Jum’at. On the trip, we are break at several time, because rain down heavy at several time too. Finally we are arive at alun – alun Tulungagung at 3.30 PM. We are go to masjid Al Munawwar to Sholat Ashar. I think its long journey coz i bring my little brother and sister, two hours to finish it.

But long jouney was paid with good condition at Tulungagung. I see my brother and sister look happy at the moment. We eat pizza and fried chicken at there. We are take a photos there dan enjoy it before go home.

We arrive to home at 8.00 PM. Its one of gift brought back from my vacation.

Marriage ? just hear the sound “marriage”, my mind was imagine 1001 questions about it. So what the merriage is? Of course, there are thousand answers if you give the meaning of marriage word beside on your opinion. Someone tell different with others.

Just OK, May I call marriage with commitment? In my age, now 22 years old and become 23 in December, how about your opinion if i talk about marriage?

Before i talk about marriage further, first, how about age? is the 23 years old appropriate time to get merried for man? i thing, i more agree with how to prepare mental then how old you today. Of Course to prepare the mental have any factors. Once, someone have talk to me that i am too young to get merried, I must focus in my carrier. I think, the statement above is not 100 % true. Maturity is not only depend on someone age, although Usually more age, increase more Maturity too.


About Marriage

How far you prepare your mental to do commitment? Ask it to your self! Before married, you can shopping what do you want, now you must separate your salary with your family. Or if you a woman, before married you can hang out with your friend, whereeve, after married you get intervention from another person in your long avenue, do as house wife etc. Wow, it make you little wavered?

Another side is Financial Factor, of course this factor is very important. is it the mean that financial factor not ready, marriage is pending too? We should prepare financial, but it is not the reason to pend merriage.

Now, if you in good mental condition, and you have good salary to establish family, but, how about your sweetheart, is (he/she) ready too? Because commitment consist of two human, so need prepared from each other.

Ciput! I want to ask you? are you want to get married in your age now?
Thank for your question, i want to answer the question, and my answer is YEEESSSS, I WANNNNTTTT, its not about too fast or not, but its about right, duty and requirement, if now you can why do you pending it?

If you have good attention, i believe,god will help you. What do you waiting for?

I think it was long time ago from my last post, i am on hiatus. Ok, enough about Intermezzo. In this post, i want to talk about Self Esteem.

Self esteem, yes self esteem is about your point of view to appreciate your self in any situation. At the moment where you get big trouble, when your mind break spirit of your soul, when you fall in the track of your life and any bad situation.

when you get pressure from your job, you can take a break time (several minutes) to rest your mind, its one of several way to esteem your self.

You = what you think

In any situation you must esteem your self not in bad situation only. The shape of your self esteem can implemented on several ways. You can upgrade your skill. If you like music. You can sing in bath room. You don’t think that your sound like tin but sing from your heart. Or you can play guitar, Piano, or play football etc.

have you think that you born in this world you so perfect? You different from the other. You is You. You is not me, You is not them. You are so special. Now find the reason why your feel disappointed about your self! it just a fool for one’s pains.

Stand Up your body in front of the mirror,Now look at the body that stand front of you. You see a perfect person, yes? its you. Don’t ever justified brittle your self.

Now, i want to share my way to esteem my self. when i get pressure from my works, I play music on my laptop. Listen the music make me enjoy in this situation. Listen the music that inspire you to do more.

You can esteem your self with other way that you like. Never give UP! Because you very special!